Portrait of the Education Bang! Bang the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945 it became the world's historical record. Japan porakporanda. Coinciding with the same year in Indonesia, precisely August 17, 1945, our nation celebrates independence as a sign of the escape from the hands of colonialism. Japan devastated country, Indonesia's independence. Logic speaking, countries that developed rapidly since early opportunity to establish ourselves of our nation, Indonesia. Fire away from the roast, the reality shows the fact on the contrary, today Japan is superior to establish themselves and the far left Indonesia. The key to the success of the Japanese state to build themselves is, concerned with the development of Human Resources by looking at the education community. The initial steps the Japanese government pascabom atomic sentences imposed by the United States (U.S.) in 1945 that is, sending Japanese students abroad to study with the mission to build the Japanese back. Western books translated into Japanese in order to facilitate the transfer of western science and technology. Later books were sold dengat knowledge is so cheap that people get it easier. From there arose a penchant read on most of the people of Japan.
Japanese are well aware of the cutting edge of education is the teacher. So the Japanese government and people highly appreciate the figure of a teacher, both financially and morally. Imagine for a new teacher who teaches only the Japanese dare to give honorarium of 200 thousand yen or about Rp16 million per month. And to honor senior teacher salary in Japan could reach 500 thousand yen or about Rp40 million. Not surprisingly, full of devoted dedication to the teaching profession because they work properly appreciated. Robert C. Christopher, a former Newsweek correspondent who lived in Japan once said, "look at the attitude of the Japanese teachers, their attention to the totality of the life of their pupils". How in Indonesia? Indonesia lags far behind public education. This is supported by the lack of government attention. If there is concern but not serious and professionally managed. Plus all the non-transparent management processes and policies that are not on target, making the world increasingly beset our nation's education problems. No wonder, when we talk about national education is always a bad impression on the merits alone.
Any change of ministers, discussed issues that warm always dwell on the issue of legislation, curriculum, examination policy, insensif teachers and budget constraints. However, the measures taken is always disappointing. Though our country is considered one of the countries that have sufficient natural resources as the main capital to build the country. But the reality of poverty and unemployment remain the main form the enemy and continue to feel less in funding. We may have forgotten that the progress of a nation located on the merits of human qualities or human development index. This is well recognized by the Japanese state to be able to answer the question and rose from the ground up, especially post-World War II. Jhon Neisbitt in his 2000 mega trend reminds us by saying: "A poor country can rise up, even without natural resources abundant, as long as the countries concerned make a considerable investment, namely in terms of quality human resources". Like a vicious circle Low interest government will need quality human development Indonesia caused a slump in the world of education.
Consequently, there is increasing poverty and unemployment that followed the outbreak of crime in society. Ignorance causes poverty. Poverty causes obstruction of a quality education. Because no education and no experience whatsoever, be unemployed and to act deviant (deviant). Ignorance, education, poverty, unemployment, and crime, so that's like a vicious circle. Not surprisingly, the issue of poverty is precisely what is considered as the main issues that must be faced by the countries of Asia and Africa in the future, as presented by a number of leaders of countries that participated in the 50th anniversary of the Asian-African Summit (KAA), which has not recently held in Jakarta. "Vicious circle" in the institution's educational world, this story.
There are allegations that led to Indonesia due to the low quality of university students (PT) is not qualified. PT and then blame the high school (SMA) is incompetent to produce prospective students. High school parties and then blame sekelohah junior secondary (SMP) are not successfully educating students. Junior high school parties were blaming the basic level (SD) are incapable of educating their children. Then the SD also accused the PT incompetent to produce teacher candidates who qualified in teaching. That's so like a vicious circle. A dilemma. Indeed. Measuring Human Resource Indonesia There are several factors that determine success and success in education. These factors can be classified into three groups.
First, the factor of hardware (hardware), which includes room to learn, practice equipment, laboratories, libraries, secondly, the factors of software (software) that include curriculum, teaching programs, school management, learning system; third, what is called by the thought (brainware) that is related to the presence of teachers (lecturers), principals, students, and persons concerned in the educational process itself. Of the three groups of the above factors, then the determinant of learning success and the success of an education is (predominantly) determined by educators, in this case the teachers at school and professors in Universities. Although in some schools and colleges adequate facilities, the buildings rise, although a complete curriculum, excellent teaching programs, strict management, learning system okay, but the faculty staff (teachers / lecturers) as an applicator in the field do not have the capability (quality) in delivery of content , proficient use of technology tools that support learning, the educational goals will be difficult to achieve as it should. Former Education Minister, Fuad Hassan, had warned that without teachers who master the material is impossible following an educational system curriculum and curricular content can achieve results as idealized. Kenerja level and quality of the educators (teachers or lecturers) in Indonesia has been in the spotlight. As studies conducted in Asia Week Asia's Best Universities 2000. The study proves that the quality of lecturers in Indonesia is still very low and inadequate. Of the 77 best universities in Asia and Australia, was the quality of lecturers of University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta only ranks 62. Furthermore, Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang ranked 76th, and most 'kincik' is UGM with the rank-77.
The low quality of the quality of our teachers and lecturers, according to Prof.. Dr. Ki Supriyoko (Kompas, 2002) is caused by the growth has not been the habit of reading among teachers and lecturers themselves. Attitudes of teachers In addition to the factors causing the poor quality of educators at the top, what is called "On going Formation" of teacher implementation were also assessed during these misguided. According to education experts, J Drost (2002), on going formation 'meaningful' activities form or manifest ". That is, establish or achieve continuously the quality of teachers as teachers. Activities on going formation for this by the Ministry of National Education (MONE) held by upgrading. But what is given in the training of teachers are usually not required. Plus another that is no more qualified penatarnya knowledge and also no longer experience than the petatar. The impression arises, inservice training for teachers is often done simply to cover the shortfall because the study was wrong. Therefore, Drost J said, on going formation is a very useful experience, not routinely die in front of the class, not busy with the handbook. Experience is the result of responsiveness for any events that occur around the neighborhood for 24 hours a day, and manage the mental property. That is by looking for opportunities to acquire new knowledge.
It can be taken by a teacher through newspapers, magazines, books and other reading materials, attending seminars or workshops that are useful to him as a teacher and educator. The funny thing is, many teachers and lecturers who tell their students to read and diligently to the library, but teachers and lecturers themselves rarely read to the library. As if the library only belongs to the student and the student. Ironically, says Prof. Dr. Ki Supriyoko, there are lecturers who are shy to the library for fear of saying stupid by his students. When examined, there is rarely a quality readings in the work of teachers and lecturers, at home especially at school. There is one experience of the writer's observation when melaksananakan Teaching Practice Field (PPL) some years ago (2002) in Pekanbaru.
Where, more teachers in schools to bring a packed lunch rather than filling a bag with books or magazines. So also in the work of the faculty on campuses, which are often found just television, piles of thesis, a few trophies, and a cup of tea and coffee. So as to improve the quality of education or teaching in schools or in PT-PT alone, we often bring in educational personnel from abroad. The case of Riau, for example, have reported that the Bengkalis region contract with Malaysian teachers to teach in the field of exact sciences and English. Whereas previously, the state Malaysialah asking our teachers to teach in their schools. Ironic! This fact, that the quality of our educators, like do not like to admit we are far behind. Low quality or the profesionalan educators can have an impact on attitudes and the way they are during the process of teaching and learning takes place.
The teachers as well as lecturers often want to "be himself". The author's intent, ie teachers and lecturers who refuse to understand the realities that exist beyond himself. Teachers and lecturers are frequently used weapons "value" when dealing with pupils and showed his authority is too forced. Teachers and lecturers like this are not able to grasp reality objectively, and acapkalai impose its will. So between them and students do not knit a harmonious dealetika. Without realizing it have distanced themselves from the conscience of the students. This is termed by Paulo Freire (1999) with education "bank style". Simply Freire compiling a list of antagonism between teachers and students, namely: Teachers teach, students learn: Teachers know everything, the students did not know anything; Teacher thinking, students thought; teacher talk, students listen; Teacher, students set; Teachers are subject of the learning process, students object, and so on. This happens frequently in our education. Teachers and lecturers incarnate "alien" is no longer as fartner students in the learning process of a democratic and free. Not long ago some of the principal and some members of the education office at one of the regencies in Riau hold a comparative study of the KBS and the CBC in three countries namely Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. The funny when returning from the three countries visited it turns out some teachers just brought a toy keys, barking pondo, and mangoes are preserved to the school. Kan passable a book or story tips success of education in those countries as he makes his report in written form in the mass media rather than bringing a toy keys? A series of behavioral educators story we were not over.
In college, especially in the manufacturing process of thesis, there are some lecturers are indifferent, some even told the students his guidance: "I need you or you need me!". So that the lecturer who rarely appear on campus should be awaited and sought after here and there. Should not, as a supervisor should simplify matters thesis is made as a sense of responsibility towards the mandate. This issue is never mentioned (or recognized) by Ali Khomsan (professor of IPB) in his Graduate Education Acceleration Strategy (Republika, February 13, 2002). Ali said, one of the weaknesses in the supervision of students during this process, is the lack of monitoring of the supervisor of the students. As if the students themselves who should be responsible whether you want to graduate on time or want to linger on campus. If students do not come to him, lecturers feel no loss because it's time could be used for other activities. In fact, the ability of students graduating in a timely manner is a commitment that must be held by all lecturers. Ali recounted his experience when S3 in America.
That mentor was willing to drive 100 km to drive her to a place to look for secondary data it needs. Further consultation is always on time schedule and administered widely. Then how in Indonesia? Never on time, the timetable for consultation alone is sometimes not given. So often students wait for his adviser for hours on campus. Improving the quality of teachers or lecturers and pay attention to the welfare of the lives of the "Omar Bakri", is another key to achieving quality education. This thesis is believed by many countries, like Australia. When the ministers of education states gathered in Adelaide Australia, they agreed to the context of the third millennium will build the nation by improving the quality of education that begins with the increasing professionalism of teachers. Therefore, in Australia teachers are highly valued, and his salary is adequate. So many masters and doctoral degrees are not shy to be a teacher (not lecturers) to teach at the secondary school level or primary school (SD) though.
Likewise in Japan, Japanese society and government highly values and respects the presence of teachers in the country. Our enemies Ignorance, poverty, unemployment and crime is our main enemy and a big problem. Therefore should be treated with 'big', transparent, professional and right on target. Especially in the education sector. If not improving the quality of human and effort toward achieving it will keep running in place. Then the technology and information, or the provision of infrastructure such as the smooth roads and communications, is a big issue anyway. Therefore, these aspects do not also occasionally ignored. If we ignored will come back in a "vicious circle" which is misleading.
Japanese are well aware of the cutting edge of education is the teacher. So the Japanese government and people highly appreciate the figure of a teacher, both financially and morally. Imagine for a new teacher who teaches only the Japanese dare to give honorarium of 200 thousand yen or about Rp16 million per month. And to honor senior teacher salary in Japan could reach 500 thousand yen or about Rp40 million. Not surprisingly, full of devoted dedication to the teaching profession because they work properly appreciated. Robert C. Christopher, a former Newsweek correspondent who lived in Japan once said, "look at the attitude of the Japanese teachers, their attention to the totality of the life of their pupils". How in Indonesia? Indonesia lags far behind public education. This is supported by the lack of government attention. If there is concern but not serious and professionally managed. Plus all the non-transparent management processes and policies that are not on target, making the world increasingly beset our nation's education problems. No wonder, when we talk about national education is always a bad impression on the merits alone.
Any change of ministers, discussed issues that warm always dwell on the issue of legislation, curriculum, examination policy, insensif teachers and budget constraints. However, the measures taken is always disappointing. Though our country is considered one of the countries that have sufficient natural resources as the main capital to build the country. But the reality of poverty and unemployment remain the main form the enemy and continue to feel less in funding. We may have forgotten that the progress of a nation located on the merits of human qualities or human development index. This is well recognized by the Japanese state to be able to answer the question and rose from the ground up, especially post-World War II. Jhon Neisbitt in his 2000 mega trend reminds us by saying: "A poor country can rise up, even without natural resources abundant, as long as the countries concerned make a considerable investment, namely in terms of quality human resources". Like a vicious circle Low interest government will need quality human development Indonesia caused a slump in the world of education.
Consequently, there is increasing poverty and unemployment that followed the outbreak of crime in society. Ignorance causes poverty. Poverty causes obstruction of a quality education. Because no education and no experience whatsoever, be unemployed and to act deviant (deviant). Ignorance, education, poverty, unemployment, and crime, so that's like a vicious circle. Not surprisingly, the issue of poverty is precisely what is considered as the main issues that must be faced by the countries of Asia and Africa in the future, as presented by a number of leaders of countries that participated in the 50th anniversary of the Asian-African Summit (KAA), which has not recently held in Jakarta. "Vicious circle" in the institution's educational world, this story.
There are allegations that led to Indonesia due to the low quality of university students (PT) is not qualified. PT and then blame the high school (SMA) is incompetent to produce prospective students. High school parties and then blame sekelohah junior secondary (SMP) are not successfully educating students. Junior high school parties were blaming the basic level (SD) are incapable of educating their children. Then the SD also accused the PT incompetent to produce teacher candidates who qualified in teaching. That's so like a vicious circle. A dilemma. Indeed. Measuring Human Resource Indonesia There are several factors that determine success and success in education. These factors can be classified into three groups.
First, the factor of hardware (hardware), which includes room to learn, practice equipment, laboratories, libraries, secondly, the factors of software (software) that include curriculum, teaching programs, school management, learning system; third, what is called by the thought (brainware) that is related to the presence of teachers (lecturers), principals, students, and persons concerned in the educational process itself. Of the three groups of the above factors, then the determinant of learning success and the success of an education is (predominantly) determined by educators, in this case the teachers at school and professors in Universities. Although in some schools and colleges adequate facilities, the buildings rise, although a complete curriculum, excellent teaching programs, strict management, learning system okay, but the faculty staff (teachers / lecturers) as an applicator in the field do not have the capability (quality) in delivery of content , proficient use of technology tools that support learning, the educational goals will be difficult to achieve as it should. Former Education Minister, Fuad Hassan, had warned that without teachers who master the material is impossible following an educational system curriculum and curricular content can achieve results as idealized. Kenerja level and quality of the educators (teachers or lecturers) in Indonesia has been in the spotlight. As studies conducted in Asia Week Asia's Best Universities 2000. The study proves that the quality of lecturers in Indonesia is still very low and inadequate. Of the 77 best universities in Asia and Australia, was the quality of lecturers of University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta only ranks 62. Furthermore, Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang ranked 76th, and most 'kincik' is UGM with the rank-77.
The low quality of the quality of our teachers and lecturers, according to Prof.. Dr. Ki Supriyoko (Kompas, 2002) is caused by the growth has not been the habit of reading among teachers and lecturers themselves. Attitudes of teachers In addition to the factors causing the poor quality of educators at the top, what is called "On going Formation" of teacher implementation were also assessed during these misguided. According to education experts, J Drost (2002), on going formation 'meaningful' activities form or manifest ". That is, establish or achieve continuously the quality of teachers as teachers. Activities on going formation for this by the Ministry of National Education (MONE) held by upgrading. But what is given in the training of teachers are usually not required. Plus another that is no more qualified penatarnya knowledge and also no longer experience than the petatar. The impression arises, inservice training for teachers is often done simply to cover the shortfall because the study was wrong. Therefore, Drost J said, on going formation is a very useful experience, not routinely die in front of the class, not busy with the handbook. Experience is the result of responsiveness for any events that occur around the neighborhood for 24 hours a day, and manage the mental property. That is by looking for opportunities to acquire new knowledge.
It can be taken by a teacher through newspapers, magazines, books and other reading materials, attending seminars or workshops that are useful to him as a teacher and educator. The funny thing is, many teachers and lecturers who tell their students to read and diligently to the library, but teachers and lecturers themselves rarely read to the library. As if the library only belongs to the student and the student. Ironically, says Prof. Dr. Ki Supriyoko, there are lecturers who are shy to the library for fear of saying stupid by his students. When examined, there is rarely a quality readings in the work of teachers and lecturers, at home especially at school. There is one experience of the writer's observation when melaksananakan Teaching Practice Field (PPL) some years ago (2002) in Pekanbaru.
Where, more teachers in schools to bring a packed lunch rather than filling a bag with books or magazines. So also in the work of the faculty on campuses, which are often found just television, piles of thesis, a few trophies, and a cup of tea and coffee. So as to improve the quality of education or teaching in schools or in PT-PT alone, we often bring in educational personnel from abroad. The case of Riau, for example, have reported that the Bengkalis region contract with Malaysian teachers to teach in the field of exact sciences and English. Whereas previously, the state Malaysialah asking our teachers to teach in their schools. Ironic! This fact, that the quality of our educators, like do not like to admit we are far behind. Low quality or the profesionalan educators can have an impact on attitudes and the way they are during the process of teaching and learning takes place.
The teachers as well as lecturers often want to "be himself". The author's intent, ie teachers and lecturers who refuse to understand the realities that exist beyond himself. Teachers and lecturers are frequently used weapons "value" when dealing with pupils and showed his authority is too forced. Teachers and lecturers like this are not able to grasp reality objectively, and acapkalai impose its will. So between them and students do not knit a harmonious dealetika. Without realizing it have distanced themselves from the conscience of the students. This is termed by Paulo Freire (1999) with education "bank style". Simply Freire compiling a list of antagonism between teachers and students, namely: Teachers teach, students learn: Teachers know everything, the students did not know anything; Teacher thinking, students thought; teacher talk, students listen; Teacher, students set; Teachers are subject of the learning process, students object, and so on. This happens frequently in our education. Teachers and lecturers incarnate "alien" is no longer as fartner students in the learning process of a democratic and free. Not long ago some of the principal and some members of the education office at one of the regencies in Riau hold a comparative study of the KBS and the CBC in three countries namely Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. The funny when returning from the three countries visited it turns out some teachers just brought a toy keys, barking pondo, and mangoes are preserved to the school. Kan passable a book or story tips success of education in those countries as he makes his report in written form in the mass media rather than bringing a toy keys? A series of behavioral educators story we were not over.
In college, especially in the manufacturing process of thesis, there are some lecturers are indifferent, some even told the students his guidance: "I need you or you need me!". So that the lecturer who rarely appear on campus should be awaited and sought after here and there. Should not, as a supervisor should simplify matters thesis is made as a sense of responsibility towards the mandate. This issue is never mentioned (or recognized) by Ali Khomsan (professor of IPB) in his Graduate Education Acceleration Strategy (Republika, February 13, 2002). Ali said, one of the weaknesses in the supervision of students during this process, is the lack of monitoring of the supervisor of the students. As if the students themselves who should be responsible whether you want to graduate on time or want to linger on campus. If students do not come to him, lecturers feel no loss because it's time could be used for other activities. In fact, the ability of students graduating in a timely manner is a commitment that must be held by all lecturers. Ali recounted his experience when S3 in America.
That mentor was willing to drive 100 km to drive her to a place to look for secondary data it needs. Further consultation is always on time schedule and administered widely. Then how in Indonesia? Never on time, the timetable for consultation alone is sometimes not given. So often students wait for his adviser for hours on campus. Improving the quality of teachers or lecturers and pay attention to the welfare of the lives of the "Omar Bakri", is another key to achieving quality education. This thesis is believed by many countries, like Australia. When the ministers of education states gathered in Adelaide Australia, they agreed to the context of the third millennium will build the nation by improving the quality of education that begins with the increasing professionalism of teachers. Therefore, in Australia teachers are highly valued, and his salary is adequate. So many masters and doctoral degrees are not shy to be a teacher (not lecturers) to teach at the secondary school level or primary school (SD) though.
Likewise in Japan, Japanese society and government highly values and respects the presence of teachers in the country. Our enemies Ignorance, poverty, unemployment and crime is our main enemy and a big problem. Therefore should be treated with 'big', transparent, professional and right on target. Especially in the education sector. If not improving the quality of human and effort toward achieving it will keep running in place. Then the technology and information, or the provision of infrastructure such as the smooth roads and communications, is a big issue anyway. Therefore, these aspects do not also occasionally ignored. If we ignored will come back in a "vicious circle" which is misleading.